Fátima García


Desde el año 1989 hasta la actualidad he colaborado como Ilustradora para distintas entidades, principalmente editoriales.

Since 1989 until now,  I work as an illustrator for various entities, particularly publishers.
I always say illustration is  my life, and even if I am still doing some other things and working in other fields, such as contributions to an art digital magazine (AMBLART) or as a pedagogist, my main goal is illustration. Investigating and creating through and for the book, I would say. Even though sometimes my contributions aim at other fields.
If I should feel proud about something, this would be about knowing that my illustrations build a very special language with which I am feeding many boys and girls´ minds. It is absolutely fantastic to know that my drawings still like others as when I was a little child and are even better considered.
Tels.: 34 91 428 59 59 / 660 563 870
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