Nacho Gómez

Cuando era pequeño me atraían cosas tan dispares como Vicky el vikingo, Salvador Dalí, los superhéroes de Marvel, las pelis de Disney, las pinturas de Guayasamín o los grabados de Picasso. Me pasé la infancia garabateando en los libros del cole cuando el profe no me veía (o eso pensaba yo...).
Después de estudiar Bellas Artes en Madrid, seguí dibujando en los libros de texto…ahora de una forma profesional. Llevo más de 25 años de experiencia trabajando para editoriales como Edelvives, Santillana, Bruño, Oxford Univ. Press, Igloo Books, Usborne, Pearson, Macmillan, Milles Kelly, Franklin Watts, ESC… creando personajes y materiales para grandes proyectos como Letrilandia, Nubaris, Sirabún o Robbie Rabbit.
Puedo contar uno de mis secretos: siempre intento pensar como un niño. En el fondo, creo que nunca creceré.
I was born in 1966 in Madrid (Spain), quite a big town, and I lived there until nine years ago, when I moved to a small village near the mountains, and where I discovered a new meaning for "seasons", "cold", "sun" or "silence".
When I was a child I was attracted by things as diverse as Vicky the viking, Salvador Dalí, Marvel´s Superheros, Disney´s movies, Guayasamin paintings and Pablo Picasso´s etchings. My schoolbooks were always full of doodles that I did when the teacher wasn´t looking at me (or so I thought).
Nowadays I continue to draw in text books…but in a professional way, with over 26 years of experience working for several different editorials, Edelvives, Santillana, Bruño, Oxford Univ. Press, Pearson, Igloo Books, Usborne, Macmillan, Milles Kelly,
Franklin Watts, ESC…
I can tell you one of my secrets: I always try to think like a child. Deep inside, I think I´ll never grow up.
When I was a child I was attracted by things as diverse as Vicky the viking, Salvador Dalí, Marvel´s Superheros, Disney´s movies, Guayasamin paintings and Pablo Picasso´s etchings. My schoolbooks were always full of doodles that I did when the teacher wasn´t looking at me (or so I thought).
Nowadays I continue to draw in text books…but in a professional way, with over 26 years of experience working for several different editorials, Edelvives, Santillana, Bruño, Oxford Univ. Press, Pearson, Igloo Books, Usborne, Macmillan, Milles Kelly,
Franklin Watts, ESC…
I can tell you one of my secrets: I always try to think like a child. Deep inside, I think I´ll never grow up.
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